Accountancy, cost account, statistics, economics, and law are the main subjects. Law affects almost every function and area of business. Llb bachelor of legislative law course is the most common undergraduate course of legal law education offered by many law colleges and universities in india. Pdf free download sybcom business law semester 3 notes pdf sybcom business law semester 3 notes as recognized, adventure as without difficulty as experience just about lesson, amusement, as with ease as contract can be gotten by just checking out a book sybcom business law semester 3 notes moreover it is not directly done. Business law notes lecture notes, lectures 1 7 chapters of the. Sybcom business law jashbhai maganbhai patel college of. Bcom 1st 2nd 3rd year books notes free pdf download. Company law notes for bcom b com docs, videos, tests edurev. Dear sybcom students, the university of mumbai has revised the syllabus for semester 3 and semester 4.
Common law is the system of law in most of the englishspeaking world and many non englishspeaking countries that were once part of the british empire, such as india, pakistan, and the caribbean. Revised syllabus of sybcom semester 3 and semester 4. Sybcom sem 4 auditing smart notes mumbai university. Share this article with other students who are searching for b. Get the complete study material, ppt, courses, question paper.
Law is essential to any society in that it provides the rules by which people and businesses interact. Definition of a company a company is a corporation an artificial person created by law. Costs can run into the thousands of dollars, and it generally takes. Indian contract act 1872 part i l contract definition of contract and agreement, essentials of valid contract, classification of contracts. To familiarize the students with case law studies related to business.
Sybcom auditing books, handwritten notes for tybcom, sybcom audit book, sybcom sem 4, sybcom sem iv, auditing sybcom, handwritten sybcom created date 12262018 4. Patent prosecution is expensive, time consuming and complex. Business law notes free study notes for bbambamcombcom. Any university student can download given bcom notes and study material or you can buy bcom books at amazon also. It is 3 years under graduation course that provides you wide career opportunities in accounts, commerce, management fields. Law in a broad sense means rules, regulations, guidelines, principles etc. A company thus has legal rights and obligations in the same way that a natural person.
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